Soon Gurgaon to Mumbai in Just 12 hours straight by Road!


This Expressway to be ready in next 3 years. This project will give huge relief to those who travel frequently between Gurugram and Mumbai. Also, it will cut down the travel time from 24-hours to 12 hours only.


This project will be built in around Rs 1 lakh crore (1 trillion), This expressway will connect the two metro cities Gurgaon-Mumbai Expressway. This expressway passing through Mewat (Haryana) & Dahod (Gujarat).



Gurugram To Mumbai Expressway

—This project will cut travel time by just 12 hours (from 24 hours currently) and also will shorten the distance from approx 1,450 km to 1,250 km.

— The construction work will start from December 2018.

— Expect the new expressway to be ready by 2021.

Sources: Times of India



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